Cookie Notice

Cookie Policy and User Control: This section of our Cookie Notice informs you about the cookies we use for personalizing content, targeting advertisements, and analyzing site usage. You will also find information on how to restrict cookie usage if you prefer. This policy should be considered alongside our Privacy Policy, which provides additional details on how we handle personal information.

Understanding Cookies on Our Website

The website requires essential cookies for proper functioning. Generally, these cookies do not gather personal data. All other cookies are non-essential and may collect your personal information. Non-essential cookies can be turned off in your browser settings before accessing the website. This might affect some functionality otherwise available on the website. Website usage information is recorded by the Company for statistical purposes using analytics services. The recorded information includes:
  • IP address
  • Date and time of website access
  • Web pages accessed
  • Type of browser and operating system used
By accessing the website, you consent to the uses of personal information described above. This consent can be withdrawn by updating your cookie preferences via the link on the website.

Handling Cookies

You have control over your cookie preferences. Upon your first visit, you will be prompted to either agree to our recommended settings or customize your cookie choices.

General Provisions

Maintaining Data We hold Personal Data in accordance with the guidelines set forth in our Privacy Policy. Usage Data is kept for internal analysis purposes, except when it needs to be retained longer for enhancing security, improving service functionality, or complying with legal requirements.